


Payment is required to reserve your appointment, if you haven't paid within 48 hrs of scheduling your appointment, we can not hold that time and you may need to reschedule your appointment.


At Behave Atlanta, we have great respect for your time, and we expect the same from you. If you book a session with us but need to reschedule it, please let us know ASAP. If you cancel last minute, we are unable to book another appointment during your slot. For this reason, if you cancel less than 24 hours before your appointment, you must still pay the full fee of your session. We know that things will come up that require rescheduling, but we ask you to be as considerate as possible. If rescheduling occurs on multiple occasions, we reserve the right to charge you an additional rescheduling fee. 


There is an expiration of one-year for any consults, session or package of sessions that you purchase. Excluding packages, if you have bought a consult or single session but decided to not use it, we can give you a refund of 50% within 6 months of purchase. We do not offer partial refunds for unused sessions of a package. There are rare exceptions in which a refund or extension will  be permitted but this is based on our discretion on a case by case basis.

Results and Guarantees

Each animal is different and while there are no guarantees, you can expect good results. By investing in training and behavior, you can expect to learn ways to understand your pet better, learn specific tools to manage your individual pet’s behavior issues, troubling situations, and improve communication and harmony in your home life. 

Methods of Payment

Due to Covid-19, we are currently only accepting payments through our online system. If you have a problem or need to pay another way, please contact us directly to ask about that. If you prefer, you can be sent an invoice (just ask).

Travel Fee

Traffic in Atlanta can be horrendous so we ask for your flexibility in planning in person appointments around rush hour. For those of you who live outside our listed service areas, you will be charged a travel fee of $20/in-person session. If you are more than 30 minutes from us, we may ask that you come to an Atlanta location or choose virtual sessions. 

Safety Procedures

We do not want appointments to be stressful for you, your pet, or ourselves. We ask that you do your best to make your dog comfortable on our first meeting. If you have a stressed, anxious, or aggressive dog, your trainer or behaviorist may ask you to crate or leash your dog prior to entry. Please follow this protocol so that we can build trust with your dog from the start by initiating a greeting in a purposeful way.

Scope of Practice

We are not veterinarians and are not authorized to recommend or give out medication. While we have certifications in behavior and training, this is different from a veterinary degree. We are dedicated to maintaining the integrity of our industry and safety of our clients. Many behavioral issues stem from underlying health issues or can be helped with medical interventions. During our information intake period, we may ask about medications to get a full picture of your pet’s health. If we feel medical intervention should be looked into we will recommend you make an appointment with your veterinarian about the issue in question. We are happy to work with your vet to help you get the most out of your treatments!    

Our Methods

We use positive reinforcement tools and methods and will not recommend the use of force or correction-based methods. We follow the American Veterinary Society of Animal Behavior’s recommendation on the use of punishment. We reserve the right to discontinue services if your preferred methods are not in keeping with our philosophy.